Thursday, September 25, 2014

I Ain't Sayin' She A Gold Digger

Fall is an ideal time for fashion and making subtle changes like adding layers to your outfit and making traditional homemade recipes. It's a time of oodles of joy, pumpkin carving with friends, oversized sweaters and cute boots to name just a few of the good things! Every fall I find myself making wish lists chock full of fashion must haves and statement pieces. I just can't help it! Anywho, here are some of the goods I've been eyeing.

Xo Steph

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Shake It Off

shake it off

Happy hump day people! This week has been nothing but stress out the wazoo. But I digress.
 These days I'm taking T Swizzle's advice and shakin' it off! (the stress that is). 
Anywho, how catchy and fun is this song?! It sure puts a smile on my face when it
 pops up on the radio!

Xo Steph

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Fall Closet Checklist

Kate Spade polka dot nails

After months of wearing bright hued 'fits and fun sandals, it is time to embrace fall with open arms. It's the perfect time to accessorize with abandon and create varied layered looks! Let's make a list of some basic necessities shall we?

1. Leather riding boots / L.L. Bean bean boots / Hunter boots
2. Statement jewelry
3. Leather skirt
4. Thick rimmed sunglasses
5. Silk blouse
6. Leopard flats
7. Knee socks
8. Long sleeved shift dress
9. Oversized scarf
10. Black skinny jeans
11. High-waisted pants/trousers
12. Pencil skirt
13. Puffer vest
14. Gold watch
15. Chambray button down
16. tights
17. Leather shoulder bag/ totes/ clutches
18. Floppy hat
19. Chunky sweaters
20. Cardigans

What are your go to pieces this fall?
Xo Steph

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hello MTV and welcome to my dorm

Why hello there! Welcome to my side of the dorm :) 
Our dorm only has one light for some reason so sorry for the darkish pics in advance! (Oops) anywho, I made a gallery wall to make my dorm a bit more homey. 
From left to right: Rifle Paper Co. Print, Peony painting and Lilly P letter S both made by yours truly, Giant Heart from Design Darling, Mirror from Tar-jayyy, my name sign from bid day, and a beyonce quote made by one of my besties! (Its our inside joke)
Pillows: West Elm & Anthropologie - I like to splurge on cute pillows. Ain't nothin wrong with that!
I used bed risers to fit more under my bed so now I have this elephant step to get up to my bed. It might be a little childish but I like it aaaand it was a total steal at Home Goods so I couldn't pass it up! Don't judge. My fab little rug is also from Home Goods!
Love my little desk area:)
Another painting I did for the dorm, some London pics and my dry erase board 
And this is my roomie Taylor's side! Isn't it adorbs? My other roomie Katarina isn't finished decorating her side yet, so that's the end of my little dorm tour! Hope y'all liked it

Xo Steph

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Sorry for being kind of MIA lately folks! I've been über sick these past few days. No bueno. Anywho, here's what I've been up to lately. 

My roomie Taylor and I went exploring through downtown and discovered these two gems! All the cobblestone and brick made me feel like I was in South Carolina say whaaaat? So pritt. 

Walking along Bayshore Blvd. has so many perks! From dolphin sightings to finding the most amazing houses like this one!^^^ I want to live here. #futuregoals 

It's no secret Tampa has the prettiest sunsets! Pic #1 is a sunset behind the chapel on campus and pic #2 is a sunset view from my dorm. 

Speaking of my dorm... I finally moved out of the hotel and into a REAL dorm on campus! Hurrah!! I'll do a blog post on my whole dorm soon I pinky promise.

The fambam came up this past weekend and we ate at Edison's Food + Drink Lab with some friends and it was amazeballs! Each dish was so creative and fresh. The top is their ham board which came with biscuits and apricot jelly and the bottom pic is butterscotch putting with marshmallow cream on top! It's safe to say I licked the plates clean. And it's right down the street from my school! I'll be coming here more often. YUM.

Ciao for now, eyebrow!
Xo Steph

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Ya girl is a new member of Alpha Chi Omega! I am so happy and blessed and excited because my AchiO girls rock! 

Can't wait to see what's in store for this year! 

Xo Steph

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Real Me

I recently stepped out with a few of my girls for brunch and my friend Em brought up a good point. Us blogger girls were discussing  hashtag just bloggie thangs (you betcha I'm making that a thing!) when Em pointed out that a good amount of bloggers kinda sorta say the same things when it comes to typing up posts about themselves: "I'm obsessed with netflix!" "I love to workout!" etc. etc. etc...Instead of just naming a few cliches why not let readers in on our quirks? Ya catch my drift? 

If you know me, you know just how big of a klutz/dweeb I really am. Don't be fooled by my merry insta account. It's not always sunshine, smiles and chic outings! Okay so, similar to Em's post I'm gonna give you a little glimpse at what REALLY goes on in the life of Steph on a day to day basis!

MANIC MONDAY: I woke up bright and early feelin' good, ready for another day of classes. I hopped off the shuttle that takes me from the hotel I'm living in to campus and made my way to my 8:30 a.m. writing class. Only when I walked in, it wasn't my class. I stumbled into the middle of a spanish class (awk) that just so happens to be in the same room as my writing class usually is. Confused, I checked my email wondering if my professor canceled class but there was no email. In a tizzy, I ran into the class registration office to figure out what happened to my class. There were a few people trying to help me but finally one woman found my schedule online said "Umm...your writing class is on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays..." and then BAM it hit me like a truck. I realized then and there it was TUESDAY and in fact NOT Monday because Monday was Labor day! Tomato red and uber embarrassed I quickly apologized to everyone for all the trouble and scadaddled out the door. Nothing worse than forgetting what day it is!

EVIL ELEVATOR: Coming back to my hotel after a long day of class, I was determined to get on an elevator as quick as possible. As I walked into the building I noticed an elevator door starting to close so I bolted and stuck my arm out thinking the elevator doors would sense it and open up again. Boy was I mistaken. The old elevator doors closed on my arm and I started panicking and so did the group of boys about the same age as me that were inside the elevator. I was screaming, they were screaming and finally one of them pulled the doors open and said "That was close I was so scared." Once again I was red in the face totally mortified. Remind me to never go near a closing elevator every again.

PACKAGE PROBS: My birthday is tomorrow, so my family ordered my fave cupcakes all the way from NYC and had them shipped to me in Tampa as a surprise. I picked up the package but I was already running late for class so I had to carry the package with me. I kept telling myself not to drop the package but what do I end up doing? Dropping the package in my math class. Thankfully they were in little plastic containers so only half ended up smooshed in their plastic on the floor of my class. Did I get weird looks? Absolutely. Did I still eat these cupcakes? HECK YES! They may have been squished but they were still clean thanks to the container they were in! Thank goodness for no cupcake stains on the classroom carpets.

I could go on and on blabbing about my series of unfortunate events but I think y'all get the point. Don't worry I'm totally laughing it all off now! 

Xo Steph